Raw materials
- ICP-OES analysis according to DIN 51086-2 of the elements or element oxides: Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, Zn, Zr
- X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) according to DIN 51001 and DIN 51418 ( >0.001 wt.% concentration), e.g. for analysing high-purity raw materials and other elements such as F, Cl, Br
- SEM-EDX examinations according to DIN ISO 22309, if necessary with image documentation, chemical scan analyses, mappings, line scans (depending on the order)
- X-ray diffractometry (XRD) based on DIN EN 13925 for analysing crystal structures
- Determination of loss on ignition according to DIN 51081 at different temperatures (e.g. 550 °C, 1050 °C, 1150 °C)
- Carbon determination using the Ströhlein incinerator at 1250 °C as total carbon (C), organic carbon (TOC) and inorganic carbon (TIC)
- Determination of the chemical oxygen demand (COD), e.g for sand, coke and basalt
- Determination of emission factors for the DEHSt and the UBA
- SO3 determination using the Ströhlein incinerator at 1250 °C
- Fe2+ detection with phenanthroline based on DIN ISO 14719
- Cr(VI) detection with diphenylcarbazide based on DIN 51086-3
- Determination of the redox potential and the redox number derived from this for batch calculations, e.g. for filter dust
- FT-IR spectroscopy according to ASTM E 1252 e.g. for plastic analyses
- Melting point determination, e.g. of plastics
- Analysis of inorganic filter aids and filter materials according to DIN EN 12902 for the treatment of water for human consumption
- Leaching tests
- Sieve analysis according to DIN 66165, depending on the order, e.g. 7 fractions (2 mm to 0.04 mm)
- Bulk density according to ISO 697, DIN EN ISO 60
- Moisture content of raw materials and mixtures based on DIN ISO 11465 and DIN 52331
- Microscopic examination according to ISO 8039 or using SEM-EDX according to DIN ISO 22309 of grain shape, surfaces and sizes
- Heavy mineral identification in the raw material using various heavy separation systems such as IGR-modified bumbling table, spiral separator and heavy liquid with a density >2.9 g/m³ for sample sizes ranging from grams to tonnes, followed by detection of the heavy minerals, e.g. using SEM-EDX
- Processing of raw materials, including by attrition and with a high-intensity rare earth roller magnetic separator to remove ferrous particles and further analyses, e.g. using ICP-OES
- Determination of HCl-insoluble components in raw materials, e.g. silicates in limestone
- Decrepitation test for raw materials, especially dolomite
- Determination of the oil number according to ISO 787-5
- BET analyses to determine the specific surface area
- Dose rate measurements (radiation dose per time unit, e.g. in µSv/h)
- DTA (differential thermal analysis) based on DIN 51004, DIN 51005, DIN 51006, DIN 51007
- TGA (thermo-gravimetric analysis)